Arrivals on Saturday 15th JulyAround midday on Saturday 15th July the first few graduates and their guests arrived outside Staff House on campus.
Above: Chris Redman, Sally Beven, Zoe Fletcher and Ian Pickup.
Above: Nikki Osborne with Priscilla Rathbone and Stephanie Hickman, and Axia Gaitskell's husband Andrew.
Above: Chris Redman with Zoe Fletcher and Ian Pickup; Cathy Gittins and her fiance Steve; Steve Hawkins and Bryan Hollamby.
Above: Cathy Gittin's fiance Steve, Cathy and Steve Hawkins.
Above Hazel Hall, Debra Paterson and Helen Williams with Debra's hsuband Michael abd Hazel's husband Tim.
Above: Sally Beven and Zoe Fletcher; Cathy Gittins and her fiance Steve with Steve Hawkins; Ian Pickup; Bryan Hollamby; Phil Nelson and Nikki Osborne with Axia Gaitskell and her husband Andy.
Above: Chris Redman, Sally Beven and Ian Pickup; Cathy Gittins with her fiance Steve, Steve Hawkins and Bryan Hollamby.

Above: Axia Gaitskell and Tsetse Fox with Axia's husband Andy; Nikki Osborne with Stephanie Hickman and Priscilla Rathbone.