Tuesday, September 26, 2006

At lunch: 6

Above: Graham Grant in the foreground with Cathy Gittins, Steve Hawkins, Bryan Hollamby, Valerie Duckett, Phil Nelson, Priscilla Rathbone and Cathy's fiance Steve visible at the table behind him.

Above: Vivienne Williamson and her husband Alistair with Quintin Lever and Marie Davies.

Above: Nikki Osborne, Susanna Portman, Jo Langdale, Madelena Cropley, Madelena's husband Patrick, Zoe Fletcher, Kate Saunders and Rachel Wills.

Above: Heather Monk (plus plant!)

Monday, September 25, 2006

At lunch: 5

Above at the table: Carolyn Penfold, Carolyn's husband David, Zoe Fletcher, Graham Grant, Julie Smith, Hazel Hall and Hazel's husband Tim.

Above: Sarah Coyne and Carolyn Penfold.

Above: Helen Williams, Hazel Hall and Hazel's husband Tim.

Above: Valerie Duckett and Graham Grant.

Above: Valerie Duckett, Graham Grant, Julie Smith, Hazel Hall, Helen Williams, Hazel's husband Tim, Sarah Coyne and Caroyn Penfold's husband David.

Above: Hazel Hall's husband Tim and Sarah Coyne.

At lunch: 4

Above: Steve Hawkins, Bryan Hollamby, Valerie Duckett, Priscilla Rathbone, Cathy Gittins and Cathy's fiance Steve.

Above: Steve Hawkins.Above: Phil Nelson and Kate Saunders.

Above: Steve Hawkins, Bryan Hollamby, Chris Redman, Phil Nelson, Priscilla Rathbone and Cathy Gittins.
At lunch: 3

Above at the table: Mark Tentori, Stephanie Hickman and Heather Monk; Andrew Robertson and Sandy Barber; Heather's husband Paul and Claire O'Sullivan from the University's alumni office.

Above: Stephanie Hickman and Mark Tentori.

Above: Heather Monk's husband Paul, Heather Monk, Stephanie Hickman, Andrew Robertson and Sandy Barber.

At lunch: 2

Above: Jackie Stone, Kirsty Smith, Russell Cousins, Alison Fennah, Mark Tentori, Ian Pickup and Jayne Smith.

Above and below: Ian Pickup, Jayne Smith, Sally Beven, Jackie Stone, Kirsty Smith, Russell Cousins and Alison Fennah.

Above: Alison Fennah and Jackie Stone.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

At lunch: 1

Above: Debra Paterson, Helen Barrett, Tsetse Fox and Jerry Gardner with Debra's husband Michael, Helen's husband Jon and Jerry's wife Breda.

Above: Helen Barrett and her husband Jon.

Above: Helen Barrett and Debra Paterson with their husbands Jon and Michael.

Above: Jerry Gardner.

Above: Debra Paterson, Helen Barrett, Tsetse Fox and Jerry Gardner with Debra's husband Michael, Helen's husband Jon and Jerry's wife Breda.

Above: Tsetse Fox and Kirsty Smith.

Bryan's video footage

Bryan filmed us in Staff House, outside when we took photos on the library steps, at TGI Friday's in the evening and early Sunday morning in the Eaton Hotel. If you play the video, you get a feel for the atmosphere at the reunion: it's well worth downloading. The footage (in two formats) can be accessed from: http://www.bryanhollamby.co.uk/reunion.htm.
Drinks before lunch on Saturday 15th July

On the top floor of Staff House friendships were renewed.

Above: Madelena Cropley and her husband Patrick with Susanna Portman and Jo Langdale.

Above: Carolyn Penfold and Steve Hawkins.

Above: Heather Monk.

Above: Stephanie Hickman and Rachel Wills.

Above: Madelena Cropley, Susanna Portman and Graham Grant.

Above: Priscilla Rathbone and Phil Nelson.

Arrivals on Saturday 15th July

Around midday on Saturday 15th July the first few graduates and their guests arrived outside Staff House on campus.

Above: Chris Redman, Sally Beven, Zoe Fletcher and Ian Pickup.

Above: Nikki Osborne with Priscilla Rathbone and Stephanie Hickman, and Axia Gaitskell's husband Andrew.

Above: Chris Redman with Zoe Fletcher and Ian Pickup; Cathy Gittins and her fiance Steve; Steve Hawkins and Bryan Hollamby. Above: Cathy Gittin's fiance Steve, Cathy and Steve Hawkins.

Above Hazel Hall, Debra Paterson and Helen Williams with Debra's hsuband Michael abd Hazel's husband Tim.

Above: Sally Beven and Zoe Fletcher; Cathy Gittins and her fiance Steve with Steve Hawkins; Ian Pickup; Bryan Hollamby; Phil Nelson and Nikki Osborne with Axia Gaitskell and her husband Andy.

Above: Chris Redman, Sally Beven and Ian Pickup; Cathy Gittins with her fiance Steve, Steve Hawkins and Bryan Hollamby.

Above: Axia Gaitskell and Tsetse Fox with Axia's husband Andy; Nikki Osborne with Stephanie Hickman and Priscilla Rathbone.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

News from Gillian Clark

After leaving Birmingham I went back to Nice, where I had done my year abroad with Sue Andrews. I worked as a "lectrice" for 2 years at the University there. I then decided to go back to the UK and got onto a course at Cranfield School of Management to do an MA in European Management. A week before I left France I met my husband-to-be. I did my year at Cranfield (an expensive year in phone calls and trips back to Nice!) and came straight back to Nice where I joined OISE, a linguistic breaks organisation. I worked in marketing for them for the south east of France. I married in 1995, stopped working and became a full-time mum for our two boys: Christopher (9) and Alexandre (7). In 2001 I took the CAPES and now work part-time teaching in a "collège" in Cagnes sur Mer, a seaside town just west of Nice. I'd love to hear from anyone who can remember me. I'll do my best to be at the next reunion. Bye for now Gillian (Clark) Del Lungo.

(Note from Hazel: Gillian got in contact on September 7th 2006. She was sorry to have missed the reunion this time around but, as can be seen from her news, she plans to be there in 2016.)
For "next month" please read "month after next"

Apologies all. The great summer weather, holidays and some rather demanding (important, academic) deadlines can be blamed for the blog silence over the past few weeks. Anyway, I am back online now and will be turning my attention to transferring photos over from Flickr in the next few blog entries.