News from Rachael Culver
In case you don't know, most of my study time at university was spent skulking in the Spanish department along with fellow Combined Hons girls Alison Fennah and Sally Ann Hall. I now live in Harrogate and teach French at the Steiner School in York. My route there has been convoluted and involved serving in the first Gulf War, heading up the marketing department of a major law firm and encouraging railway staff to talk to one another constructively! Then I had babies...Very little French, very little Spanish. However, the odd interpreting jobs on the side (property purchase and conversions) kept my hand in, and when I was asked to teach at my kids' school I happily began. Family photos seem to be the thing for the blog so here's mine. Thomas (7) is very cheeky and energetic. Miriam (5) is bright, loving and 'together'. William is a wonderful husband and even better Festival Director, and that's me with the lipstick. Sorry not to be with you on Saturday (only immense family duties keep me from you) and hope you have a fabulous time. Love to all, Rachael Culver Dodds.
In case you don't know, most of my study time at university was spent skulking in the Spanish department along with fellow Combined Hons girls Alison Fennah and Sally Ann Hall. I now live in Harrogate and teach French at the Steiner School in York. My route there has been convoluted and involved serving in the first Gulf War, heading up the marketing department of a major law firm and encouraging railway staff to talk to one another constructively! Then I had babies...Very little French, very little Spanish. However, the odd interpreting jobs on the side (property purchase and conversions) kept my hand in, and when I was asked to teach at my kids' school I happily began. Family photos seem to be the thing for the blog so here's mine. Thomas (7) is very cheeky and energetic. Miriam (5) is bright, loving and 'together'. William is a wonderful husband and even better Festival Director, and that's me with the lipstick. Sorry not to be with you on Saturday (only immense family duties keep me from you) and hope you have a fabulous time. Love to all, Rachael Culver Dodds.

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