The memorial service for Claire Sussman will now take place at 2.30pm on Sunday 26th October 2008 in the Montefiore Hall at The Liberal Jewish Syngagogue, 28 St John's Wood Road, NW8 7HA. Please let Hazel know if you would like to attend so that she can pass your details on to Zoe.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
The memorial service for Claire Sussman will now take place at 2.30pm on Sunday 26th October 2008 in the Montefiore Hall at The Liberal Jewish Syngagogue, 28 St John's Wood Road, NW8 7HA. Please let Hazel know if you would like to attend so that she can pass your details on to Zoe.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Claire's memorial service will take place in London on Sunday 28th September, most likely at 2pm. If you plan to attend, please e-mail Hazel so that she can pass your details on to Zoe.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
More news on Claire Sussman
Claire's burial took place on Saturday 26th April in North Yorkshire, and was attended by close family members. As this is a woodland burial site the grave is not marked, but in time becomes part of the natural surroundings. There is, however, a network of paths through the area and a bench set aside for quiet contemplation. Instead of leaving graveside flowers, visitors are encouraged to leave fat-balls for the birds, or nuts to fill the bird-feeders. If anyone feels they might like to visit the site at a later date, please do let Hazel know and she will pass your request for details of the location on to Zoe.
Memorial service and charitable donations
A memorial service will be arranged, probably sometime in the summer. At this everyone will have the opportunity to get together to celebrate Claire's life. The family will choose a charity for memorial donations. This is likely to be one that provides holidays for disadvantaged children. This choice was made because Claire was so good with children, and particularly enjoyed working with them when she taught outdoor pursuits. Alternatively, if anyone feels they would like to make a woodland dedication in memory of Claire, this can be done via The Woodland Trust (telephone 0800 0269650).
An inquest into Claire's death will be held in October.
Zoe's book
Zoe thanks everyone for the comments and photos that she received from us all. The book is coming along nicely and Zoe hopes to have it finished soon.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Death of Claire Sussman
This blog entry updates the class members on the sad news of Claire Sussman’s death communicated by e-mail (to those for whom we have up to date e-mail addresses – please see below) last month.
Claire was reported missing from her base in Chester on 27th February 2008. Her body was recovered a few days later on 6th March from the River Mersey. As soon as we learnt of this tragedy, on 12th March 2008 Hazel Hall sent out initial e-mails to class members, and to staff at the University of Birmingham, with a follow-up on 16th March 2008. Responses to these communications were incorporated into a letter of condolence to Claire’s family sent by Hazel on behalf of the year group. The University of Chester (Claire’s employer) kindly passed the letter on to Claire’s mother. In her reply, Claire’s mother expressed how the family has been touched by the knowledge that we have been thinking of, and grieving for, Claire. As yet, the funeral has not taken place.
Zoe Gordon (nee Fletcher) has been working on putting together a book of photos and stories about Claire to give to her family. Included in this will be text from the messages that were sent to Hazel in response to the two e-mails mentioned above. Thanks to everyone who has made a contribution to date. If anyone has anything further to contribute, please e-mail Hazel so that she can pass details on to Zoe.
There are plans for a memorial service for Claire. If you would like to be informed of the details of this, please let Hazel know.
Class members may also be interested to see the memorial web site for Claire created by her step-sister Sara Conlin. This can be found at:
Request for contact details
We do not have current e-mail addresses for the following members of the year group. If your name is listed below, or you have the contact details for anyone listed, please could you let Hazel know?
- Mary Ainsworth
- Kathryn Bowler
- Camilla Child
- Jennie Dawson
- Sue Donoghue
- Barry Ellis
- Julian Garforth
- Sally Ann Hall
- Karen Hendry
- Quintin Lever
- Susan Longley
- Diane Manifold
- Val Matthews
- Graham Metcalf
- Linda Olding
- Sue Olszowska
- Priscilla Rathbone
- Joanne Richardson
- Joanne Louise Sim
- Melanie Wheeler
Friday, February 23, 2007

Tuesday, February 13, 2007
After leaving Birmingham I joined the Bank of England where I had a very brief opportunity to use my French on a business trip to Algeria and Morocco. After 10 years, I then moved into administration in the Language Centre at Royal Holloway, University of London before starting a similar job at King's College. I got married in 2002 and had a little boy (Abed) at the end of 2003. Maria Al-Najar (nee Jackson).
Sunday, January 21, 2007

I was tempted to come to the reunion in July last year – and if an intended trip to the UK had eventuated, I would certainly have made the familiar trek to Birmingham New Street, then the bus out to the campus to be part of the 20th year celebration. I left Birmingham on the last day of exams, I think, and haven’t been back since. I have been busy though. Life-after-Brum started with a fabulous year in Barcelona teaching, then I was lured to Australia where we have family, for a three month trip that lasted for a number of years. I worked as a researcher for Penguin books out here, and then did a lot of publishing work, mainly educational. In 1994 I had my first book published – a history book – and I returned to the UK to work in New Media and Management Consultancy. It was all great fun, but not a lot to do with Voltaire & co. although I may have dropped a few lines from Sartre in the pub after a couple of pints, from time to time.
In 1998/9 I did a Masters in Business at London Business School and learned that people who could quote 17th century French philosophers could also do accounting and gamble money on the stock market. The insight into the business world – the international business community – was an eye opener, and as much a cultural challenge to me as learning a new language has ever been.
In 1999 I married Mark in South Africa (well, why not?) and lured him out to Aus on an extended honeymoon. Eight years, three children and a hefty mortgage later we are still here. I have recently published ‘Let go of my leg: how to get the working life you want out of children’ in the UK with Prentice Hall. It ain’t bad, as these things go, and is being translated in other European languages which is great – but please may they not ask me to do the translations! I work for myself, writing, speaking and cleaning up after children. I will be in the UK in July and August this year – can’t wait. My website is and I also have a blog if you are interested.