Sunday, January 15, 2006

Awareness of event reaches 21 people

Our efforts to contact people over the past week have started to deliver results: we now have 21 people listed who know about the event on Saturday 15th July. This includes a number who live outside the UK. The furthest-flung graduate to contact us this week was Ian Calvert in South Africa. He passes on his best wishes to everyone. Ian may be far away, but for the time being Nikki Osborne, in the Falkland Islands, is person most distant from Birmingham.

Unfortunately we have found that some of the e-mail addresses that we have are no longer valid. If you are reading this and have the contact details for anyone listed in the second column on the left, please let me know. It would be a shame for them to miss out on attending the event because we were not able to tell them about it.