When we were very young
Here we are outside the Main Library of the University of Birmingham on June 12 1986 immediately after the Constant & Musset paper. Almost 20 years later I have been charged with marshalling the same cohort of people to replicate the pose on Saturday 15 July 2006. Will this work? Fingers crossed... (If you're wondering, I'm the one in the dark green jumper third from the left in the front row.)

Here we are outside the Main Library of the University of Birmingham on June 12 1986 immediately after the Constant & Musset paper. Almost 20 years later I have been charged with marshalling the same cohort of people to replicate the pose on Saturday 15 July 2006. Will this work? Fingers crossed... (If you're wondering, I'm the one in the dark green jumper third from the left in the front row.)
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