Who was there? Sally Beven

Hi, it was lovely to see so many familiar faces in July, and to catch up a little on what has happened over the last 20 years. Yes, 20: count 'em! Well, after graduation I entered the wonderful world of Duracell and worked in UK Sales, based in sunny downtown Quinton for eighteen months. From there I moved into licensed merchandise with a private company, Copywrite, and was given the opportunity to open up the export market for the business. Actually, I think my boss's exact words were "You speak a bit of French don't you? Do you fancy having a go at setting up export business, and don't worry, we'll budget for your mistakes!" This was a challenge that I could not refuse, and before I knew it I was jetting all over the place, selling licensed merchandise for the children's and teen market. It was great to get the ol' French going again. From Copywrite I moved in to the fluffy world of interior design, working for Harlequin and Zoffany (daaaarrrrrrling!) and remained in export for ten more years, covering markets from Canada to Australasia, and loving it. Then, in 1997 a fellow ex-Brummite and house-mate (Diane) introduced me to The Man from Del Monte. All of a sudden I was married with two sons and living near Chester! I am not "working" currently and have no idea what I will get in to once both my children are in full-time school, but I will catch up with you at the next reunion, if not before .

Hi, it was lovely to see so many familiar faces in July, and to catch up a little on what has happened over the last 20 years. Yes, 20: count 'em! Well, after graduation I entered the wonderful world of Duracell and worked in UK Sales, based in sunny downtown Quinton for eighteen months. From there I moved into licensed merchandise with a private company, Copywrite, and was given the opportunity to open up the export market for the business. Actually, I think my boss's exact words were "You speak a bit of French don't you? Do you fancy having a go at setting up export business, and don't worry, we'll budget for your mistakes!" This was a challenge that I could not refuse, and before I knew it I was jetting all over the place, selling licensed merchandise for the children's and teen market. It was great to get the ol' French going again. From Copywrite I moved in to the fluffy world of interior design, working for Harlequin and Zoffany (daaaarrrrrrling!) and remained in export for ten more years, covering markets from Canada to Australasia, and loving it. Then, in 1997 a fellow ex-Brummite and house-mate (Diane) introduced me to The Man from Del Monte. All of a sudden I was married with two sons and living near Chester! I am not "working" currently and have no idea what I will get in to once both my children are in full-time school, but I will catch up with you at the next reunion, if not before .
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