Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Tickets now on sale for Saturday 15th July

Thank you to everyone who has updated me over the past few days on their plans to come along to the event on Saturday 15th July. With this information I have been able to make a good estimate of numbers, and set the ticket price at £18.70 per person. This includes lunch, and a contribution to the cost of the room hire (including catering/bar/cleaning staff etc.).

There are two options for purchasing your ticket(s):
  • by cheque
  • by electronic funds transfer
Given that this web log is publicly accessible, I will not display my home address or bank details on this page. Instead, I will send this information out to individuals by e-mail. (However, if a complete stranger would like to beef up my bank account with a couple of million, I promise not to complain!)

Anyone who would like a paper receipt should send me a stamped addressed envelope with payment. Otherwise, I will acknowledge that you have paid by e-mail.

Finally, if you have any special dietary requirements, please could you let me know at your time of booking.